How to use Google Photos

Rememories is powered by Google Photos. Google Photos provides the most important functionality you need to send targeted images to the loved ones in your life.


The way to give Rememories a collection of images is through Google Photo's albums. It's easy to create focused albums. Here are a few powerful ways to do it:

Facial Recognition

With Google Photos, you can easily create albums that include certain faces (pets too!). New photos you take containing those faces will automatically be added to the album (and therefore your Rememory too).

In Google Photos you can create a new album using facial recognition by:


  1. Navigate to Albums.
  2. Click "Create album".
  3. Give the album a title.
  4. Select the faces you want to populate images with. Google Photos will automatically add new images with those faces to the album.
  5. Click "Confirm".
  6. Sit back and Reminisce.


  1. Download the Google Photos app.
  2. Sign in.
  3. In the "Library" tab, click "New album".
  4. Give the album a title.
  5. Select the faces you want to populate images with. Google Photos will automatically add new images with those faces to the album.
  6. Click "Confirm".
  7. Sit back and Reminisce.

Location search

Google Photo's search makes segmenting images based on location a breeze. Unlike facial recognition, these albums are not live, meaning new images from the target location will not automatically populate the album.

In Google Photos you can create a new album using location search by:


  1. Navigate to Albums.
  2. Click "Create album".
  3. Give the album a title.
  4. Choose "Select photos".
  5. Use the search bar to filter the results. Google's search is powerful. Get creative!
  6. Select images you want to be a part of the album.
  7. Click "Done".
  8. Sit back and Reminisce.


  1. Download the Google Photos app.
  2. Sign in.
  3. In the "Library" tab, click "New album".
  4. Give the album a title.
  5. Choose "Select photos".
  6. Use the search bar to filter the results. Google's search is powerful. Get creative!
  7. Select images you want to be a part of the album.
  8. Click "Add".
  9. Sit back and Reminisce.

Ideas to get you started

  1. Be that thoughtful friend. Yearly, on your friend's birthday, automatically send them a handful of pictures of that person. Create your album using Google Photo's facial recognition.
  2. Keep the conversation and connections strong by sending an automated weekly Rememory on Fridays to a group you went on a recent trip with. Use Google Photo's location search to get started quickly with an album of all images from that trip.
  3. Share some love by sending a daily selfie of you and your romantic partner. Easily create an album of your partner using Google Photo's facial recognition.
  4. Yearly, on your anniversary, automatically send a wedding picture to your spouse.
  5. Dog or cat lover? Start your day with a smile by automatically sending yourself a random picture of your furry friend every morning.

Happy reminiscing! Have creative ideas you want help with? Let us know!